UncommonTEEN: The Podcast for Christian Teen Girls
Being a teen girl today is tough. Being a Christian Teen Girl today is even more challenging. Join Teen Life Coach Jamie Kirschner as she helps you, Christian teen girls, overcome the real life challenges you are facing in a way that stays true to who God created you to be!
UncommonTEEN: The Podcast for Christian Teen Girls
40. Transforming Your Thought-Life: Interview with Sarah Geringer
On this week's podcast, Jamie interviews author Sarah Geringer about her new book for teen girls called, Transforming Your Thought Life for Teens: Renew Your Mind with God.
Our thoughts are so much more powerful than we realize. In a world that is telling us so many lies from every direction, it's so important for us to really know what it is that God says about us and to renew our minds to His truth so that we can win any battle that comes against us.
Here are just a couple of quotes from Sarah's book on transforming your thought life. To learn more about it, check out this week's podcast.
"Satan knows that negative thoughts are the easiest way to tear a person down. It doesn't take many words to feel frustrated and defeated. To fight back, today's teens need strong minds, and the time-honored practice of Christian meditation can help them find victory in these spiritual battles."
"You can have peace, joy, and confidence that last when you intentionally hide God's Word in your heart and mind through Christian meditation."
Find out more about Sarah at https://www.sarahgeringer.com
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Ladies, we have some exciting news! The SOAR Community is now FREE!! All you have to do to see if SOAR is right for you is grab your parents, tell them why you are excited about SOAR, and while you still have them with you, go to uncommonteen.com/coaching and click on the application under SOAR and fill it out!
**There are limited spots available.
***At this time, SOAR is only open to teen girls 13-17 in the United States.
You are beautiful!
You are valuable!
Your beauty and your value don't change,
Even if someone fails to see
How incredible God made you!
Don't forget to head on over to uncommonTEEN.com/coaching and fill our your SOAR Application today!
The UncommonTEEN App is still in review on both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store! It looks like Google is going to take a bit longer, but the Apple App should be coming very soon!
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Instagram: @uncommon.teen