UncommonTEEN: The Podcast for Christian Teen Girls

90. Confident in Your Skin: Interview with Jenelle Thompson

Jamie Kirschner Season 2 Episode 90

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For 12 years, Jenelle Thompson fought an ugly battle with not one, but two eating disorders. Her fixation to be super thin nearly cost her her life. Although Jenelle was very successful in both her modeling and acting career, she had extremely low self confidence.  She constantly compared herself to others she saw as prettier and more desirable.

Jenelle began the saying  the phrase "Confident in my skin" to embrace the uniqueness in which God created His daughters.  We have been created in His imagine and He made us exactly how He needed.

Because of the direct impact the media plays on how our young girls perceive themselves, many are ashamed of their beautiful features that God gave them so they try to change to fit into society. I challenge young ladies to find the beauty within herself so she will be able to share her confidence with the world.

Be sure to check out this week's episode as Jenelle teaches us what it means to be confident in our skin!

Ladies, we have some exciting news! The SOAR Community is now FREE!! All you have to do to see if SOAR is right for you is grab your parents, tell them why you are excited about SOAR, and while you still have them with you, go to uncommonteen.com/coaching and click on the application under SOAR and fill it out! 

**There are limited spots available. 

***At this time, SOAR is only open to teen girls 13-17 in the United States.

You are beautiful! 

You are valuable!

Your beauty and your value don't change, 

Even if someone fails to see

How incredible God made you!

Don't forget to head on over to uncommonTEEN.com/coaching and fill our your SOAR Application today!

The UncommonTEEN App is still in review on both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store! It looks like Google is going to take a bit longer, but the Apple App should be coming very soon!

To ask questions for an upcoming podcast episode or if you need prayer, go to UncommonTEEN.com.

For the Ask Me Anything Questions, click on the RED BUTTON at the top of the screen. These questions may used on a future episode of the UncommonTEEN Podcast!

For any prayer requests or more personal questions, click on the YELLOW CHAT TAB at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. These will not be used on the podcast.

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